Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Last Slip Exam

Inshaa Allah it will be my last slip exam in UTP.
Even though hati masih berdebar debar tak tahu apa nasib after this
Because my FYP still didn't get any results.
I can keraiiii the wholee year macam ni
I thought having experimental project is easy, but somehow its not.
Its not easy if you have specific objective.
Contohnya kalau kita nak solution tu bertukar warna jadi purple, tapi sampai sudah tak purple.
Maybe you still stuck got the same colour such as blue, green or red.
So, you have to think how to adjust the paramater and so on to get the purple on. Hmm
But if your objective is 'to test the strength of metal...' and so on, maybe that is easy.
Because whatever the result is, thats it. We just take it and justify.
But somehow  getting simulation project pun not easy juga. Sama je
It just maybe you can play that things in your room with your own laptop or so on.
Anyway, both are not easy.
Senang cerita, FYP ni hmmm susah nak ramal,
Ada orang rezeki dia dapat tajuk senang
Ada orang rezeki dia dapat result yang baik
But whatever it is, mesti ada hikmah semua tu, is it?
*am trying to be positive*
Yes betul, semua tu rezeki masing masing kan
Even kesusahan yang kita dapat tu pun rahmat actually
Banyak je benda yang boleh ajar kau dalam tak sedar.

Kayyy, sebenarnya nak cerita sedih sebenarnya ambik last slip exam tadi
Mula-mula rasa happy gila sebab akhirnyaaa nak habis degree dah
But after i've submitted the graduation form and so on, rasa sebak pula bila duduk atas tangga stage Chancellor Hall annd pandang satu CH tu.
I cant believe I've been here for almost 5 yearss
So many things happened here.
The sweetness and bitterness of life I've learned a lot here
Even though UTP is not my first choice until now to be hoenst, but still, maybe ada hikmahnya
For the remaining of 4 weeks, I hope I can enjoy my life here even though so many things had changed :')
May this semester will be my really really last semester in UTP.
I cant stay any longer here
May the odds be with me.

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