Monday, February 23, 2015


"Cause you never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. "
-Meredith Grey

Sometimes we need to do things we’d rather not do,
 in order to get the peace that we need;
 to look after our own well-being and to return to a healthy state. 
Decisions we may make may hurt others at times.
 Sometimes it hurts us too.
 Its a big turning point when I made it last 365 days.
 It’s a hard choice.
 But truly, there are times that we have to take care of ourselves. 
Sometimes there are no good choices, just painful ones. 
Sometimes that’s just how real life is.

Pain starts little,
 and by time as you choose to suffer, it grows bigger and starts to siege you. 
You can choose to not let yourself wallow in suffering 
and you can make the decision to rise above and move on,
 otherwise you are a prisoner of your own misery.

When people make you feel unwanted, don’t leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won’t.
 Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay. 
Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. 
What’s meant to be will end up good and what’s not, won’t. 
Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting. 
At times, people need to fight for you.
 If they don’t, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you.

Sometimes God's blessings are not in what He gives, but in what He takes away.
 He knows best! 
Trust Him!

Everything's happening exactly as it's supposed to,
 with hidden blessings that you'll soon understand. 
Sometimes what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. 

In the end, It’s not about who broke your heart. 
It’s about who mended it. 
It’s not about the times you put yourself esteem in the hands of others.
 But instead, the days where you knew your worth.
 It’s not about those who let you down, but rather those who always held you up.
 It’s not about the many people who desired you.
 It’s about the ones that valued you.
 In the end it’s not about all the times you were called beautiful,
 it’s about all the days you felt it.

Don’t be so hard on yourself for not having it together all the time,
 for not knowing all the answers.
 You don’t always have to be sure of who you are,
 otherwise there’ be nothing left to discover.
 You don’t have to know where you’re headed or have a clear vision of the bigger picture.
 Sometimes taking one tiny step at a time is more than enough.
 Sometimes slowing down just to feel the wind blow against you is the beauty of life right there. Wander, be unsure when it is natural to be.
 Let yourself breathe. 
We’re all rushing for no reason anyway.

"God takes some people out of your life so that you would stop leaning on them and begin to lean on God.Everyone's arms get tired, but God will never get tired of you."

Don't let something that's long gone continue to control you. It's time to let go.

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