Monday, October 26, 2015


Assalamualaikum and Hai!
Wahh, rupa rupanya almost 7 bulan juga tak post apa apa. Busy konon nya. 
And tonight 'tiba-tiba' I have 'sooo muchh time' to do it. 
( Memang semua FYP report, assigment and take home kuiz yang kena hantar besok dah siap pun)

Anyway, this entry I dedicate to all my seniors and friends who graduated yesterday! :)

I'm soo proud and happy for you guyss.
After 5 or 4 and half years struggling in UTP, all of you finally made it!
Only we  (UTPians) now how hard it is to survive in this Uni *nangis tepi tingkap*
Honestly Im gonna miss you guys a lot.
My life here (in UTP) somehow will not be the same anymore without you guys
Thank you for your kindness to me along these years. 
I'm glad I've crossed in your path.
Sorry for any wrong doings
Halalkan semua semua apa yang Sai pernah termakan/terminum/terambil yeh
Thank you for everything brothers and sisters!

p/s: Sapa sapa kahwin jangan lupa reserve one card for me okay?!
Sapa sapa yang dah kerja, one cup of coffee for me pleasee. Hik


Much love from me, Sai :')

Sorryyy tak sempatt jumpaa yang lain :( You guys tetao di hati :*

My ENACTUS's family forever

Imad, Hani, Si pendek, Mun, Nami 

My ex-schoolamte, ex-roomate, Siti Nur Izzaty Norizan 

My forever kakak kesayangannn :* RINDUU KAK QILAHHH :'(

Kak Qilah

My badminton mates *walaupun Sai dah terkeluar from it :'( *

My ex roomate during third year. Thank you kak Amy for your kindness

 Soo proud of you both, Akmal and Hani (my PE seniors) 

 Akmal Si traveller

Nami, Imad, Hussien and Haikal came all the way from KL for this event,
Walaupun dah lama grad from you UTP, still there for their juniors. Soo touch

Hussien and Hani

 Nami and Hani

Mira and Hani

Ridhwan, Hani and Wadi

Wadi Si Kurus and Hani

Munzir, forever a good bapa to me

Fariz Asyraf

Kak Yana, my senior in SMAPL and UTP. Sayangg akakk

Lovely birds, Kak Wani ang Bang Jim. Kahwin jangan lupa kad untuk Sai tau. Janji?

Sooo, next year will be our turn, inshaa Allah. Yeahh !!


Monday, February 23, 2015


"Cause you never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t. "
-Meredith Grey

Sometimes we need to do things we’d rather not do,
 in order to get the peace that we need;
 to look after our own well-being and to return to a healthy state. 
Decisions we may make may hurt others at times.
 Sometimes it hurts us too.
 Its a big turning point when I made it last 365 days.
 It’s a hard choice.
 But truly, there are times that we have to take care of ourselves. 
Sometimes there are no good choices, just painful ones. 
Sometimes that’s just how real life is.

Pain starts little,
 and by time as you choose to suffer, it grows bigger and starts to siege you. 
You can choose to not let yourself wallow in suffering 
and you can make the decision to rise above and move on,
 otherwise you are a prisoner of your own misery.

When people make you feel unwanted, don’t leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won’t.
 Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay. 
Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. 
What’s meant to be will end up good and what’s not, won’t. 
Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting. 
At times, people need to fight for you.
 If they don’t, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you.

Sometimes God's blessings are not in what He gives, but in what He takes away.
 He knows best! 
Trust Him!

Everything's happening exactly as it's supposed to,
 with hidden blessings that you'll soon understand. 
Sometimes what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. 

In the end, It’s not about who broke your heart. 
It’s about who mended it. 
It’s not about the times you put yourself esteem in the hands of others.
 But instead, the days where you knew your worth.
 It’s not about those who let you down, but rather those who always held you up.
 It’s not about the many people who desired you.
 It’s about the ones that valued you.
 In the end it’s not about all the times you were called beautiful,
 it’s about all the days you felt it.

Don’t be so hard on yourself for not having it together all the time,
 for not knowing all the answers.
 You don’t always have to be sure of who you are,
 otherwise there’ be nothing left to discover.
 You don’t have to know where you’re headed or have a clear vision of the bigger picture.
 Sometimes taking one tiny step at a time is more than enough.
 Sometimes slowing down just to feel the wind blow against you is the beauty of life right there. Wander, be unsure when it is natural to be.
 Let yourself breathe. 
We’re all rushing for no reason anyway.

"God takes some people out of your life so that you would stop leaning on them and begin to lean on God.Everyone's arms get tired, but God will never get tired of you."

Don't let something that's long gone continue to control you. It's time to let go.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy Working Hani Zahirah!

First thing first,Sai nak mintak maaf sebab tak dapat hantar Hani kat airport because Sai kena balik Kerteh dah.(Sedihhhhhh. Sai nak sangatt hantar Haniii) 
Tapii Allah punya plan tu much better than us
Tak sangka dapat juga jumpa Hani semalam eventhough kita tak plan pun to meet up
Tak decide pun lagi nak jumpa mana and bila apa semua,suddenly je you ada kat KLCC semalam
I was like,"Aaaaaaaaaaa! Tak sangka gila boleh jumpa juga"

Well, happy working Hani :)
I wish you all the best in Miri
Sai doakan Hani baik baik ja disana
(And I know you will)

TV Al-Hijrah and you

Anyway, first time Sai kenal Hani, Sai rasa Hani garang and tak friendly
(Well I think everyone felt the same like me. Hahaha)
Weyhh tapi after kenal you, I dont know you are that awesome
(Tak tipuuuuu)
Honestly speaking, Sai adore Hani sangaatttt
Banyak benda pada Hani yang Sai rasa amaze sangat
Senang cakap, Hani ni macam idola or so-called 'senior contoh' la for me
(Cewahhh. haha. Tapi betul tak tipu)
Hebat gilaaaa Hani dapat offer Shell masa Final year First sem lagi
Weyhhh, takya fikir apa dah sebab dah dapat placement kerja
Its your rezeki dear and I wish Allah ease mine as yours too :)
Doakan Sai and the rest pula nanti ea

Antara pose muka yang paling Hani suka buat

Last but not least, thank you Hani for being a good friend
Sai tak sangka sangat we had the same thoughts in many ways
I think thats the things yang connect us togehther :)
You are one of the best people that i've ever met  yang satu kepala sangat
Gosssipp?? Ouh tak payah cakap la macam mana bisingnya kita kalau jumpa. HAHAHA
Sekali la tuh dengan Wadi,Mira,Nami,Hussin,Imad,Mun bagaii (and the rest..)

Konco konco lepak Farouk malam malam + gossip

Enactus, where we met :')

Hani, I just have 5 words for you
Tak tahu bila lagi nak jumpa
Tak tahu bila lagi nak lepak sama kat mamak bagai
Tak tahu bila lagi nak main squash
Tak tahu bila lagi nak gosipp lama lama
Im gonna miss that things a lot..
Sai harap Hani takkan lupakan Sai and the rest kat sini
I feel so blessed to know you
May Allah ease your journey,dear :')
Thank You for everything Hani sebab banyak tolong Sai and S.O.S
Sorry if Sai pernah sakitkan hati and buat salah kat Hani

Our last annual dinner :)

P/S: Jangan sedih sedih kat sana. Everything will be okay. Keep in touch Hani. Sai sayangg Hani sangat. Dont forget us here. And much sorry tak dapat hantar Hani. 

Have a safe flight Hani! :)

Nur Asyiqin Atikah :)

Cinta, Happy 22 dear! :)

I've prepared this post two days earlier because I know I might be busy on 19th January since its my first day of internship.
By the way, much sorry Cin because last sem Im too busy and rarely 'whatsapping' you
But I know, you know that I never forget you
Because you are my Cinta hatiiiii!
No one can replace that tittle forever,sumpah!

Pejam celik pejam celik,if you realized, our friendship is almost 10 years~
Tapi, after SPM baru kita rapat,is it?
I still remember how we fought during form 3 because aku nda mau share kau dengan orang lain
(Hahaha. Lawak gila time tuh)
But, I think, I worth that fought. Hahaha

Cin, please know that aku sayang kau sangaaaat
Maybe kita jarang sangat contact since schedule kita lain lain 
Tapi, aku ingat ja kau, Serious.
Aku harap kau baik baik ja di sana
(And I know you will)
Please take care of yourself, study well and become CEO Petronas one day nanti
(I pray for that)
If you have problems or something to share,please know that I am here for you
(This sem aku kurang busy sudah. Inshaa Allah have time for gossiping wahteva. Haha)
Serious talk,anything,please tell me,okay?
(You know my number, 0132645*** kan? Hehe)
Jangan simpan satu orang. I know its hard to keep it alone
Sorry sangat last sem kurang masa untuk kau
(Rasa bersalah gila)

Well,I think thats all for this year
Wish yang lain,will keep it for next next year
(Inshaa Allah moga panjang umur)
Last but not least, be a good muslimah
A good slave
A good daughter
Use your ages wisely
(Reminder for myself too)
May Allah blees you always dear
I love you,Cin
Miss you..:')

Tunggu 2016 nanti aku datang UK,okay? 
(Doakan murah rezekiiii)

p/s: The name Cinta 'wujud' since 2010 (kalau tak silap la). Its a sign of love between us. Haha. Orang asyik panggil sayang bagai la, so why not we try 'Cinta' kan? hehe. Its a du'ah anyway. Well, sampai sekarang melekat nama tuh. Pray for each other. May the love between us grows stronger  until Syurga :) 

10 Years and still counting~

Aku baru ada internet and loser gila rumah sewa kerteh tiada internet. Zzzzz. Sorry lambat 11 hari..

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Assalamualaikum and Hye!

Yeah. Its my new blog
Orang kata,tahun baru, azam baru (konon)
So, here we go. Rentetan peristiwa 2014 
Too many things happened
Pahit, Manis, Masin, Suka, Duka, Tawar
But am okay with it
Thats what we called LIFE :')


*I know I look big. Kay Diam*

 Family Holiday
*Gambar ramai ramai tak jumpa. Ni je ada*
*Ni semua cousins. Yang kanan sekali je anak buah*


7th February. The day i've turn to 21
*Gambar kek tak jumpa. Hilang entah kemana*


*Do nothing in the house*


*Sama macam kat atas*


* Hidup makin produktif menjelang May 2014. Hehe *
 Irah datang Sabah. And I am so happy :)
*Belakang tu Gunung Kinabalu selepas hujan*
*Time ni kitaorang dekat Milk Farm,Kundasang*

 *Rumah Terbalik, Tamparuli,Sabah*

 *And this is one of my bestfriend since primary school*
*Thank you Asyraf jadi pemandu pelancong kami. Hehe*

This month, i got new cousin :)

One of my bowling's mate got married
*Tahniah Jakenal and wife :)*

 Karnival Belia dan Sukan 20014, Putrajaya
* Thanks kak Qilah,temankan Sai*
*Im sooo gonna miss you soon :( *
*Akak dah macam kakak Sai sebenar dah. Thanks for everything :') *

 Celebrate Irah's birthday :D


With them, kakak kakak cantik Final Year
*Tak ingat ada apa time ni,tapi semua turun UTP yg tengah internship*
*Thank you sisterssss for the lovely evening :*

Sai first time main buih belon besar
*Agak teruja disitu. Maaf*
*Bersama akak akak cantik yang rajin melayan Sai*

PE/PG Team of Badminton for UTP Sports Carnival 2014
*Thanks for the experienced :)*
*First time masuk game badminton masa UTP Sports Carnival*

 So,this was the results for this year's UTP Sports Carnival :)
*Two Gold Medals for Bowling category*
*One Silver Medal for Badminton category*

 Enactus Dinner
*Takda gambar ramai ramai. Semua dekat handphone orang. Hmm*


Rasa macam takda buat apa apa bulan ni. Bulan yang hambar


 Selamat Hari Raya :D
*Tahun ni aku balik. Yeah*
*And this one gambar bersama semua perempuan dalam keluarga Hj Rashkin*
*Cuma nya, tak semua ada dalam gambar. Tak semua balik*
*Yes,ktorang memang sikit. Lelaki yang ramai*

 Adik beradik sebelah emak

 My first day of raya
*I know I dont look good in shawl. Kay,senyap*
*Cobaan untuk memegang kucing. Hampir berjaya*

 Thank you kawan kawan sekolah rendah semua sebab datang rumah
*Bertahun tidak bersua. Akhirnya bertemu di pagi raya*
*Abaikan tangan siapa entah tuh*

 My kak Nadia Norbeh kesayangan
*Rindu yang disimpan terlepas sudah*

 My parents and my younger brother
*Tahun ini tiada gambar sekeluarga. Tak cukup. Abang tak balik :( *

Enactus Raya
*Macam biasa,gambar ramai ramai kat handphone orang. Hmm*


 Dayana's wedding. Congrats Dayan and husband :)
*Kisah mereka sangat manis*
*Cinta selepas kahwin. Ehem*

 Puteri pertama dalam Zealous 0610 yang mendirikan masjid
(Ahli ahli Zealous yang datang)
*Anda bila lagi?*

Acip,Pa,Paan,Aku,Mady,Lynn (Mini reunion of DSSP's club)
*Ni kira family kecik aku masa kat SMAP dulu*
*Sorang takda (Dayah). I miss the time we spent together :') *
*Semua dah besar panjang dah*

 Tea Farm
*First time pergi Cameron Higlands*
*With my Cinta hati, Nur Asyiqin Atikah :) *

*Hik, ada lagi dua orang turut serta misi ini*
*Thank you korangggg sebab bawa aku pergi sini. Walaupun aku tengah study week kan sekarang*

Bunga bunga cantik kat Cameron Higlands

Let's Rock Cancer Concert (Enactus weekend)
*With Radhi OAG*

Enactus Day 2014
*Bersama ahli Enactus dari Universiti yang lain*
*Tak tipu,sangat best*



Its Convocation Day!! 
 This is Hazim and his twins,Haziq
*Congrats Hazim. Feel glad to knw you :) *

And this is Yanieee
*You are awesome girl. Sai will miss you a lot*
*The one yang rajin layan Sai kalau nak ber bowling. Haha*
*Kahwin nanti jangan lupa jemput kay. Sai and kak Qilah banyak jasa tuh :P *

Enactus members yang bertungkus lumus tolong S.O.S project on convofair
*Thank you guys. I owed you guys a lot*
*Bergambar bersama basikal Rahim yang baru dibeli*
*Ni je gambar yang ada. Maaf*


 MASISWA Zon Utara 2014
*With them from UniKL (tak ingat apa..Sorry)*

 UTP Bowling Team for MASISWA 2014 :D
*New people,new experienced. Thanks semua. Happy dengan korang*

 So,this is the results for MASISWA Zon Utara 2014
*Champion for All Events*
*1st Runner up for Masters*
*1st runner up for Double*
*1st runner up for Individual*
Alhamdulillah :')

 UTP Sports League 2014
*Thank you Aily,Ekin,Dini and Mel for helping me! :D*

CDM (Cabaran Debat Muda Edisi-3) 
*CNP Department*
*Korang semua hebat gila dalam CNP. Aku respect sangat*
*Thanks banyak ajar and bantu Sai*
*Best sangat kerja dengan korang. Tak tipu*

 Part of CDM members :)
*Thanks juga sebab tolong CNP department during this event*

 Enactus Family Day (Day 1)
*Acara bermain futsal antara projects*
*And Sai first time main futsal sampai kasut terbuka (sebab tak pakai kasut sukan)
*Projek S.O.S kalah sebab bagi peluang kat projek lain menang. Ehem*


 This is my Mum :)
*Happy birthday Mak(4 dec).Aku doakan mama sentiasa dirahmati Allah*
*Aku sayang mama sampai akhirat :')*

Happy birthday juga to both of you
*Adik (3 dec) and Abang (13 dec)*
*Aku doakan Allah sentiasa lindungi kamu dua dan murahkan rezeki kamu*
*Aku sayang kamu dua*
SEDEX (Got Silver Medal for Engineering Team Project)
*Thanks guys. You guys are awesome*
*Sorang member (Benni Amir) takda dalam gambar.Dia ada fieldtrip*

SEDEX 34th
*Muka happy terkejut sebab dapat silver medal. wow*

AGM (Annual Grand Meeting & Dinner) Enactus UTP 2014

*Semua buat buat gelak tak cukup tanah*
*Im gonna miss you guys badly :( My big family in UTP*

My small family in UTP (Supporting Opportunities through Socia-economics Project)
*I love you guys to the moon and back. Jaga SOS elok2 please*
*I know I can trust you guys. Sai sayang korang semua sangat sangat. Tak tipu juga*
*Proud to have you guys in Enactus*
*Ada few members takda dalam gambar*

My super senior in Enactus UTP
*Walaupun Sai baru je rapat dengan korang, Sai rasa sayang sangat kat korang*
*Please dont forget us bila dah kerja nanti ea*
*Akan rindu ber'jemah' dengan korang :') *
*Thanks for everything*

Im so gonna misss you guysss semua.. Thank you for the memories :')

Thank You 2014!

 My Cinta, Ekin :)

Wadi and Fah

Wadi and Mira

 Irah and Pipah :)


My Bowling Team (Ariff,Ho,Amier,Acap,Balqis,Anum,Zulaika)

 With our coach,Cikgu Faizi

 My ex-roomate,Izzaty Norizan :)

 Enactus Hicoms and Project Leaders (Sab,Wani,Rab,Fahim)

CDM committees (Usher Stage and CNP)

 CDM,CNP department (Noh,Nadia,Neelam,Ain)

 S.O.S Projects (Fateen,Shafiq,Faiz,Mira,Munirah,Syazmir,Afif,Azam,Azreena)

 My 'Single Mingle' group. Hahaha (Hazim,Azam,Kak Milah)

 Enactus Attack (Aieshah,Arif,Wadi,Kembar,Rahim)

 ETP group (with our Supervisor, Miss Nooraini Zainuddin yang baik hati)

 Faidsal Farid (Kahwin jangan lupa jemput)

 UTP Sports Carnival 2014 for  Bowling Team (Kak Mas,Kak Nadia,Ashley,Awie,Mus,Raja)

 PCS class. Thanks Miss Farah :)

Syed Syafiq,Abbad,Dauh,Irah,Pipah


 Enactus Weekend with other Universities

 Apek , Akmal, Ekin (BFF sampai mati) Hehe

 Aily,Mus and Azam
 (Abaikan mata macam terkejut nampak hantu)

 UTP Sports Carnival PE/PG team for Badminton

 My Awesome coursemate (Hidma,Mia,Wadi and Fah)
*Sayang korang*

"People come and go, but the memories stay."
Thanks everyone :')
Bye 2014, Hye 2015!
May 2015 be good to us :D

p/s: Maaf pada mana mana pihak yang tiada dalam gambar kerana banyak gambar takda dalam handphone saya. Sorrryyy...